CE-MAT 2025

Shri Rajesh Agrawal Visited Braithwaite And Co Ltd

Shri Rajesh Agrawal Visited Braithwaite And Co Ltd

New Delhi: Visit of Shri Rajesh Agrawal, Member- Rolling Stock, Railway Board, Ministry of Railways to Braithwaite & Co. Ltd. Shri Rajesh Agrawal, Member- Rolling Stock, Railway Board, and Ministry of Railways visited Braithwaite &Co.Ltd on 24th January 2020. He was accompanied by Shri J.K.Saha, PCME-SER, Shri S.R.Ghosal, PCME-ER, Sri P.N.Jha,CWE-SER, Shri AK.Bharti, ED(I&L)-RDSO, Mr. M.A.Alam, CMD-BSCL.
Shri Agrawal first visited Victoria Works of the Company where he was greeted by Shri Yatish Kumar, CMD, Shri Salim G. Purushothaman, Director (Production) and Shri A.K.Shahi, Works Manager (I/C). On his visit to the workshop, Shri Agrawal flagged off the rake of EUR-BRNAHS Wagons. New Prototypes of BOBYN22.9 and BOBSNS(25 Ton Axle load) were also seen by him discussed on technical parameters which will help freight movement of Indian Railways. The new Design & Drawing office at Victoria Works was also inaugurated by him.
Later, Shri Agrawal visited the Corporate Office and Clive Works along with the officials. He held a meeting wherein Shri Yatish Kumar, CMD-BCL made a presentation on Company's current productions, performance, financials, diversification projects and future growth plans. He reminded the advice of MRR of thinking big and achieve 1000 Crore turn over for which Braithwaite is steadily moving ahead. Shri Kumar also cited that Braithwaite is at present is a debt free Company. Its credit rating has also gone up by three stages. The Company anticipates generation of 6MW Solar energy by next six months at its Angus Works.
Shri Agrawal addressing the management team appreciated the tremendous efforts, dedication and performance of the employees of BRAITHWAITE for its turn around, which was down in the dumps, and remarked it as EXPEMPLARY. He said that no country can develop without improvement in manufacturing sector. In India, when the manufacturing was in downward trend in 2019, Braithwaite & Co. Ltd achieved remarkable growth under the dynamic and able leadership of Shri Yatish Kumar, CMD which is worth praising. Shri Agrawal also met with the leaders of the operating Trade Unions in Braithwaite and thanked them for their zeal, efforts, co-operation for the revival of the Company. He wished further growth of the organization, setting a target of Rs.2000 crores, in times to come and well-being of the employees. He also sanctioned an AWARD of Rs. One Lakh which was applauded by the employees. Employees also Thanked Shri Agrawal for his visit to BRAITHWAITE and for the all sorts of help being extended by his good-self for betterment and growth of the Company.

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