CE-MAT 2025

SECL organized various activites during Vigilance awareness week 2020

SECL organized various activites during Vigilance awareness week 2020

Johila: Under the aegis of Central Vigilance Commission, and Vigilance Department SECL HQ, Vigilance Awareness Week -2020 was observed at SECL, Johilla Area from 27-10-2020 to 02-11-2020. Over 3469 employees of Johilla  Area , their family members, trade unions  and local administration was involved in a weeklong celebration of “Vigilant India-Prosperous India” via virtual mode, Bluejeans.
The sequence of celebration is as below:
On 27-10-2020 during the opening ceremony of VAW-2020, Vigilance pledge was taken at all Units of the Area under the able guidance of General Manager, Johilla Area  and respective Sub Area Managers for their Units. 
Pali Sub Area was awarded the prize for Best Photograph of the ceremony and following the protocol as prescribed.
Over 15 Contactor workers were interviewed randomly on that day as to ensure wide publicity and awareness about the ongoing events  in the Area to the grass root level. 
On 28-10-2020, various competitions were held for students of KV, Nowrozabad namely Poster making, Slogan and Debate. Over 125 students participated in the events. We also had webinar for the students of classes 9th to 12th wherein the speakers were from AHQ, Johilla Area as well as HQ, Bilaspur. The speakers Shri M K Shukla, Chief Manager (MM) and Shri J P Singh , Dy GM (Vig) shared their views on topics Honesty is best Policy and Being Vigilant is being powerful respectively.
On the same day we had a webinar by Staff Officer (Min), Johilla Area on the Topic, Contract Management. The webinar was attended by over 36 Executives of Johilla Area.
On 29-10-2020 a webinar was organized for the members of Ladies Club, Johilla Area. The members participated in various activities on the theme “Role of Mother in making a Vigilant India”.  Over 35 members of Ladies club joined this event via online mode blue jeans . 
Later that day, a webinar by Staff Officer (MM), Shri M K Shukla regarding the “Domestic inquiry procedures and related case studies” was organized. The webinar was attended by 45 Executives of Johilla Area.
On 30-10-2020, a webinar was held for all Executives of Johilla Area, the key speaker of the webinar was Shri A K Verma, Area Finance Manager, Johilla Area. The Event was attended by over 69 Executives of Johilla Area.
Later in the day a Quiz competition was organized for Union Representatives. 03 members from each Union namely JCC and CMOAI represented their Union and CMOAI won the event. The event was attended by 30 members and all precautions were taken in view of the pandemic.
On 31-10-2020 An Essay writing competition was held in all Units of Johilla Area. The topic of the Essay completion was “Public Servant: Foundation of Vigilant India" and “Vigilant India is Prosperous India”. Over 122 Employees of Johilla Area participated in the event and expressed their view on the above topics.
A Webinar on Land and Quarter encroachment, their vigilance angle and related procedures was held on 31-10-2020, The speaker for the event was Shri S D Dewedi , Chief Manager(Min), Umaria Sub Area . The Event was attended by 49 Executives of Johilla Area .
On the same day Contractor worker Meet was organized, all the contractors (E&M/Civil/Min) and related Executives from management side participated in the event. The event was attended by over 100 members.
On 02-11-2020 , a case study based webinar was organized on the topic “ Land acquisition : An Amadand OCP Case Study  . The speaker of the same was Shri Ajit Singh Sodha, HOD L&R Johilla Area. Over 42 executives participated in the event. 
The closing ceremony of VAW-2020 was organized later in the evening on 02-11-2020. The ceremony was marked by the views expressed by the Union and Management Representatives after a weeklong celebration of VAW-2020. During the closing ceremony, prizes were distributed to over 35 participants namely Speakers in various events, Students, Members of Ladies club, Employees of Johilla Area. The ceremony was attended by over 59 people.

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