SAIL-DSP installs 60 KWp capacity grid connected Roof Top Solar Plant
This project was executed by Power management department of DSP.

Durgapur/West Bengal: Steel Authority of India's Durgapur Steel Plant installed a 60 KWp capacity grid connected Roof Top Solar Plant inside the plant premises as part of SAIL’s initiative towards producing eco-friendly green steel and green energy.
SAIL has been allocated a capacity of 6.196 MWp Roof Top Solar Plant under the Áchievement Linked Incentive Scheme’ of Ministry of New Renewable Energy (MNRE) to encourage installation of Connected Roof-Top Solar Plants (GCRT) on Government and Central PSU buildings.
This DSP has been allocated 1MWp Roof Top Solar Plant which will be installed on top of ten official buildings in DSP across different locations and outside plant including DSP main hospital. This project was executed by Power management department of DSP.
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