PXIL launches new trading platform

New Delhi. Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL), has unveiled its new technology-based Trading Platform – PRATYAY, which has gone live from yesterday. The tech-enabled platform aims to ease participation and provide customer delight for trading on the exchange. The new service provides a single platform for all segments and offers hassle free migration from thick client-based solution to a complete web-based solution with many other benefits.
Equipped with a user-friendly approach, ‘PRATYAY’ includes features such as Auto Update at user end, web browser operations, ease of report export and printing andsmart UI. The technologically advanced platform helps to eliminate participant-driven update on their PC such that no action is required on client’s end. The client starts experiencing revised features and functionalities as and when an upgrade is available. PRATYAY also contains modules for Risk Management as well as Clearing and Settlement. This allows more efficient capital deployment by participants for their trades and reduces the cost of working capital for participants while at the same time retaining the underlying security of financial settlement while transacting through the power exchange.
The contract creation modules, matching algorithms and the robust and yet flexible database structure helps to reduce time to introduce any new contract or functionalityas may be required for development of the market. Started in 2008, PXIL achieved a substantial market shares in these segments. The contracts listed on the exchange are divided into two broad categories, ‘Physical’ and ‘Certificate’. The‘Physical’ category is further classified into – ‘Collective’ and ‘Bilateral’, wherein ‘Collective’ segment consists of ‘Day Ahead Spot’, which has now been re-launched and ‘Real Time Market’, which is likely to start in coming months.
Under the ‘Bilateral’ segment are the products, ‘Day Ahead Contingency’, ‘Intraday (24x7)’, ‘Weekly’ and ‘Anyday’. In the remaining category of ‘Certificate’ includes‘Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and ‘Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts). Talking on the launch of ‘PRATYAY’, Mr. Prabhajit Kumar Sarkar, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Power Exchange India Limited said, “PRATYAY is the tangible outcome of an intense consultative process encompassing all stakeholders in thesector that has resulted in a platform which permeates all forms of transactions in thePower Markets.
The power markets in our country are fast evolving now, with transactions expected to span durations of a few minutes to a few months and years. PXIL is ready to support andwork with all the participants in the power markets to help them best fulfil their electricity requirements.”
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