Northern Coalfields Dudhichua Area inaugurates 20 Cubic Meter P&H shovel

During the inauguration ceremony, Director (Technical/Operations) NCL, Shri Jitendra Malik and other senior officials from the Area were present.

Northern Coalfields Dudhichua Area inaugurates 20 Cubic Meter P&H shovel

New Delhi: Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) Dudhichua Area inaugurated a 20 Cubic Meter P&H shovel on Sunday. The inauguration of this P&H shovel is to enhance production.

During the inauguration ceremony, Director (Technical/Operations) NCL, Shri Jitendra Malik and other senior officials from the Area were present.

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About NCL Dudhichua Opencast Coal Mine:

Dudhichua Opencast Coal Mine is one of the largest coal mine of NCL with a sanctioned capacity of 20 Million Tonnes. The Dudhichua Coal mine was started in 1982 and the coal production began from 1987.

Being a Basket linkage mine Dudhichua Mine has been entrusted with a greater responsibility in NCL for meeting any shortfall of Coal Production of other mines of NCL linked to the pit head power stations of M/s NTPC &M/s UPRVUNL in Singrauli Coalfields as well as distant power stations of Western & Northern India.

Dudhichua Project for 5 MTY capacity was sanctioned by Govt of India in Feb’84 for an investment of Rs 289.68 Crores. With the increased demand of coal from Singrauli Coalfields, Dudhichua OCP was sanctioned by the Govt. on 25.8.1992 for 10 MTY with a capital investment of Rs. 868.93 crores.

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