IndianOil administered the swachhata pledge to IOCians at IndianOil

New Delhi: Mr. Shrikant Madhav Vadiya, Chairman, IndianOil administered the Swachhata Pledge to IOCians at IndianOil's Corporate Office to mark the launch of Swachhta Pakhwada on July 1, 2020.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), commonly known as Indian Oil is an Indian government-owned oil and gas company headquartered in New Delhi. The world of Indian Oil, a diversified, integrated energy major with presence in almost all the streams of oil, gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy sources; a world of high-calibre people, state-of-the-art technologies and cutting-edge R&D; a world of best practices, quality-consciousness and transparency; and a world where energy in all its forms is tapped most responsibly and delivered to the consumers most affordably.
The Revenue from Operations of IndianOil is Rs. 1,32,376 crores in Q2 19-20 as compared to Rs. 1,51,567 crores in the corresponding quarter of FY 18-19. Profit for the second quarter of FY 19-20 is Rs. 564 crores as compared to Rs. 3,247 crores in the corresponding quarter of FY 18-19. The variation is majorly on account of inventory loss during current quarter against inventory gain during corresponding quarter of previous financial year.
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