CE-MAT 2025

Hindi Fortnight inaugurated at NTPC Coal Mining Headquarters

Hindi Fortnight inaugurated at NTPC Coal Mining Headquarters

On the day of observing Hindi Diwas on Thursday, NTPC Coal Mining Headquarters, Ranchi inaugurated the Hindi Fortnight under the guidance of Shri Animesh Jain, Chief General Manager (In-charge) in the august presence of senior officials, head of the departments and employees.

To celebrate the day in a befitting manner, employees took the Hindi Pledge which aimed for the propagation of Hindi in day-to-day life.

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On the occasion, Shri Jain shared about the importance of Hindi language which has been prevalent for ages. He said that according to Article 343 of the Constitution, the official language of the Indian Union is Hindi, and the script is Devanagari. Therefore there is a need to be more conscious about the implementation of the official language.

Chief General Manager (in-charge) said that NTPC being a Government of India enterprise has the responsibility to conduct official work in Hindi language in the interest of the general public and nation.

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Various competitions like Hindi Commentary, Official Language Quiz, Hindi PPT Presentation and Poetry Recitation for housewives and children shall be organized during Hindi Pakhwada.

In his concluding remarks , Shri Jain made an appeal to use Hindi as much as possible through Digital mode i.e computers and various mobile apps like e-mail, WhatsApp, social media and implement  Hindi more in official work. The program concluded with a Hindi signature campaign by the employees.

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