SAIL-RSP's ERW Pipe Plant breaks 39 year record; register new highest Single Day Production

The earlier best single day production of the unit was 542 tonnes achieved on 24th March, 1983.

SAIL-RSP's ERW Pipe Plant breaks 39 year record; register new highest Single Day Production

Rourkela: The Pipe Plant (ERW) of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has broken a 39-year record by producing 552 tonnes of pipes on 25th September, 2022 to achieve the highest ever single day production. The earlier best single day production of the unit was 542 tonnes achieved on 24th March, 1983. 

Mr. Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge (DIC), RSP visited ERW Pipe Plant on 26th September to congratulate the collective. He was accompanied by Mr. S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works). Expressing immense happiness over the record breaking performance, the DIC said, “The excellent performance is the result of smarter working and it speaks volumes about the deep commitment and dedicated efforts of the collective.” He emphasized upon preventing breakdowns and urged the collective to make spirited efforts to maintain the momentum to optimize production which in turn will bring down the cost. 

Mr. Suryawanshi in his congratulatory address said that the breaking of the nearly 4 decade old record implies that anything can be achieved if pursued with strong determination. He exhorted the department to continue to excel and make success contagious to other units. 

It is noteworthy that the feat has been achieved through concerted efforts of the pipe plant collective with well coordinated support from Production Planning & Control, Research & Control Lab, Computer & Information Technology and Traffic & Raw Materials Department and all other associated agencies.

There was meticulous planning and execution beginning from ensuring coils availability to seamless logistics in the production chain of HR coil charging, processing, testing and finished pipe stacking in the yard. The electrical & mechanical maintenance of PP (ERW) worked relentlessly to maintain the maximum equipment availability and zero delays. 

Mr. Gurminder Singh, GM In-charge (Pipe Plants) thanked the associated departments for their undeterred support which helped in scripting the record. He also thanked the top management for their able guidance and assured them that the department will make relentless efforts to stand up to the expectations. 

Several CGMs, Senior Officers of the Plant, a large number of employees as well as executives of Pipe Plants and associated departments were present on the occasion.

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