Data and artificial intelligence in mining program organized by Shri Rajiv Ganguli

New Delhi: Executives of HCL's Malanjkhand Copper Project in Madhya Pradesh participated in an online training program on Data and Artificial Intelligence in Mining on 28.6.2020 organized by Mr Rajiv Ganguli, Professor (Mining), University of Utah, USA.
Dr. Rajive Ganguli is the Malcolm McKinnon Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Utah. Prior to July 2019, he was a Professor of Mining Engineering and Director, Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). He has three degrees in mining engineering, bachelor’s from Osmania University, India (1991), master’s from Virginia Tech (1995) and doctoral from the University of Kentucky (1999). He has worked as a mining engineer in two countries, in a surface copper mine in India (Hindustan Copper Limited), and an underground coal mine (Jim Walter Resources), in Alabama, USA.
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