CMPDI Celebrated World Environment Day 2020

New Delhi: CMPDI (HQ) celebrated World Environment Day 2020 with the theme "Biodiversity"- a concern that is both urgent and existential. Shri Shekhar Saran, CMD, CMPDI hoisted the Coal India flag and said 'dysfunctional relationship with the nature' is the cause of all natural extremities and said to wake up to the message of nature and act to reverse the trend. Saplings were planted by all dignitaries to mark the world Environment Day.
Earlier Environment pledge was administered to the employees by the Shri K.K.Mishra,(DT/ES) .On this occasion CIL chairman message was read out and employees pledge to protect and improve the environment including, forests, waterbodies, wildlife and to gaurd the natural resources of earth and have compassion for living creatures.
On this occasion Shri S.K.Gomasta,(DT/CRD);Shri Sumeet Kumar Sinha, C.V.O, CMPDI; GM's/HoD's, Employees and Union representatives were present and participated in the proceedings maintaining social distancing.
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