CMD, NCL reviewed the Jayant project
The project is one of several greenfield projects that aim at simultaneous backfilling of land after opencast coal mining operations and dense plantation to maintain environmental balance.

New Delhi: CMD NCL Shri Bhola Singh reviewed the Jayant project on Saturday. He visited Yamuna dragline, coal face, and other sites in the mine and gave necessary instructions to the concerned officer.
Jayant Opencast Coal Project in Singrauli District of Madhya Pradesh, one of the biggest projects of Coal India Limited under the Ministry of Coal, is working towards the mission of coal mining activity as well as land restoration and increase every passing day.
The project is one of several greenfield projects that aim at simultaneous backfilling of land after opencast coal mining operations and dense plantation to maintain environmental balance.
Jayant Opencast Coal Project has helped in increasing the carbon offset and reducing the impact of pollution to a great extent. The Jayant project is under Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), a subsidiary of CIL.
The Jayant Coal Project operates in an area of ??about 3200 hectares with an annual coal production capacity of 25 million tonnes. Mining work in the project started much earlier in the year 1975-76.
Coal production was started from the year 1977-78 by deploying Large Capacity Heavy Earth Moving Machine (HEMM) like Dragline, Shovel, Dumper, etc.
The coal produced from the project is connected to NTPC's Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station located at Shaktinagar, Uttar Pradesh.
It has a generation capacity of 2000 MW. The coal is being transported to the power plant through a dedicated Merry-Go-Round (MGR) system.
In line with the Green Cover Mission, massive tree plantation is being done every year in and around the project including reclaimed areas and overburden (OB) dump areas with the help of Madhya Pradesh State Forest Development Corporation Limited (MPRVVNL).
Plants include Jamun, Jungle Jalebi, Sisam, Cirrus, Mahua, Subabul, Bel, Amla, Kachnar, Karanj, Neem, Amaltas, Bamboo, Bougainvillea, Cassia, Gulmohar, Khmer, Peltophorum etc.
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