Yoga practiced at SECL on International Yoga Day

The theme of this year's World Yoga Day is Yoga for Humanity.

Yoga practiced at SECL on International Yoga Day

New Delhi: On the occasion of "International Day of Yoga" being celebrated all over the world on June 21, 2022, yoga was practiced at Vasant Club, DAV Public School Vasant Vihar, Vasant Vihar, headquarters of the country's premier coal producing company SECL. In this episode, yoga was also practiced in all the areas, sub-regions, collars of SECL including SECL Headquarters Bilaspur. The theme of this year's World Yoga Day is Yoga for Humanity.

Chief Vigilance Officer Shri B.P. Sharma, Director Technical Operations Personnel Mr. M.K. Prasad, Director Technical (Planning/Project) Shri S.K. Pal, Shradha Mahila Mandal Vice-President Smt. Sangeeta Sharma, Smt. Rita Pal gave the message of Yoga for a healthy life through various Yoga Mudras in their bungalows.  

In this episode, various Heads of Departments, officers and staff, housewives, boys and girls, various labour union representatives participated in the yoga practice held at Vasant Club and DAV Public School Vasant Vihar, Vasant Vihar.

At the above-mentioned sites, the yoga instructors performed neck movements, which means moving the neck around, shoulder movements, which means moving the arms back and forth, knee movements, which means sitting like a chair with arms extended, done while standing Yogasana-Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Padahastasana, Ardhachakrasana Trikonasana, Sitting Asana-Vahadkonasana, Yajasana, Ardhaustrasana, Ustrasana, Shashankasana, Uttanamandukasana, Vakrasana, Lying on stomach-Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Setubandhasana, Uttanapadasana, He practiced Ardhahalasana, Pavanmuktasana, Shavasana, Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodhana, Anulom Vilom, Shitali, Bhramari, Dhyana. Finally, all the participants resolved to always adopt yoga to keep their minds always balanced, increase self-confidence, increase family, society, unity of the world, health and peace.

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