WIPS 30th National Meet And Annual Day

WIPS 30th National Meet And Annual Day

Chennai: Forum of Women in Public Sector (WIPS)  30th National Meet & Annual Day  was held on the theme “Power to Transform – Decision to Action” inaugurated by Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, Honourable Governor of Telangana on Feb 11, 2020 in Hyderabad.In the inaugural  address, Governor  said, “Women are emerging as the drivers of the nation’s economic growth and their economic empowerment is essential to boost national development”.   Honourable  Governor commended the role of forum like WIPS in empowering women employees in PSEs.  
The governor appreciated the women employees in part of development of Public sector Enterprises. Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE, in his Keynote address apprised about various steps taken by SCOPE to enhance the capabilities of working women in PSEs.  He pointed out that there is a growing realization around the world that increases in women participation can bring positive impact to the global economy.
The WIPS annual conventions have largely examined gender developments in the central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) from the perspective of organizational / institutional initiatives and their consequences.  helped in addressing diversity and inclusion of women in CPSU’s. This National Convention is attended by about 560 WIPS delegates working in CPSU’s across India.
. The Governor released WIPS souvenir and presented WIPS Awards for outstanding Women Activities in CPSU’s & Outstanding women employees (both executives & Non-executives  and Lifetime Achiever Award s to Regional Members.

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