NLC India Limited achieved highest ever total Power Generation & Coal Production for 21-22

The Revenue Collections of the company registered Rs 15,486 Crores

NLC India Limited achieved highest ever total Power Generation & Coal Production for 21-22
The company achieved the highest ever total Power Generation of 29.20 BU with Total Power Export of 25.89 BU.

New Delhi: NLC India Limited (NLC), Formerly known as Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited highlighted the best ever performance and achievements for Financial Year 2021-22.

The company achieved the highest ever total Power Generation of 29.20 BU with Total Power Export of 25.89 BU. Also the Coal Production stood at 6.35 Million Tonnes. Highest Ever Renewable Energy Generation - 2184 MU

The Revenue Collections of the company registered Rs 15,486 Crores

Other achievements: 

- Highest Ever Lignite Sales of Rs 419 Cr.

- Highest Ever Collection Efficiency of 146%

- Increase in Lignite Production by 30%

Apart from this NLCIL has a target of becoming a 20,000+ MW company by 2025. Works are under progress for the lignite based Neyveli New Thermal Power Plant (1000 MW), Bithnok TPS and Barsingsar TPS Expansion (each 250 MW). Further, NLC, jointly with the Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL), is setting up a 3x660 MW coal based thermal power plant at Ghatampur in Uttar Pradesh, through its subsidiary company Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited (NUPPL).

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