NCL Dedicates 6 Motor Graders to the Nation

This is one of the largest motor graders of its kind in the country, which will be powered by a 694 horsepower engine. Its blade size is 7.315 meters.

NCL Dedicates 6 Motor Graders to the Nation

New Delhi: On Monday, the Chairman and Managing Director of the Northern Coalfields Limited Shri Bhola Singh dedicated 6 motor graders to the nation at Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), a Miniratna company of the Government of India. These heavy-capacity motor graders will be deployed in the Jayant, Nigahi, Dudhichua and Khadiya mines of NCL.

On the occasion of the inauguration program organized at Jayant Project, NCL Director (Personnel), Shri Manish Kumar, Director (Finance), Shri Rajneesh Narayan, Director (Technical/Operations), Shri Jitendra Malik, Director (Technical/Project & Planning), Shri S. P Singh, Project General Manager of NCL and Head of Department of Headquarters, along with various officers and employees, senior members of grader manufacturing companies Caterpillar and Gemco were also present.

Addressing the program, CMD Shri Bhola Singh said that NCL is performing ahead of the target on all three parameters like production, dispatch and overload. He said that in the last few years, NCL has included large-capacity dumpers and shovels in its machinery fleet to increase departmental production. Today it is a golden opportunity that heavy capacity motor graders are also joining this well-equipped machinery fleet of NCL on a large scale. 

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These new machines being planned will give a new direction to the haul road of NCL mines. Along with safety, productivity will also increase. He called for effective training of operators through virtual and other means, paying special attention to the safe operation and maintenance of new machines. Besides, instructions were also given to increase departmental production by making optimum use of NCL's heavy machinery fleet.

Dumpers of 190 tonne capacity have been deployed in the opencast mines of NCL for some time. Which require big haul roads. With these new motor graders, excellent haul roads can be ensured in the mines in less time. The excellent haul road will not only reduce the diesel consumption of the dumper but will also strengthen the productivity and safety in mine operations.

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This is one of the largest motor graders of its kind in the country, which will be powered by a 694 horsepower engine. Its blade size is 7.315 meters. 10 such motor graders are being deployed in NCL, out of which 4 are in Dudhichua, 2 in Jayant, 1 in Jhingurda, 1 in Khadiya and 2 in Nigahi. All graders are equipped with advanced safety features like auto fire suppression system, audio visual, reverse alarm system, warning system for operator etc. Provision for virtual training of operator is also made with these machines.

It is worth noting that in the recent times, in the light of the increasing energy needs of the country, the production targets of NCL have continuously increased, to meet which NCL is investing huge capital in the deployment of new machines which are necessary for long-term coal mining.

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