Harinand Rai, Director (Technical, Projects & Raw Materials), SAIL conferred with Greentech Leading Director Award 2021

The award has been instituted by the Greentech Foundation to recognize the role played by top-level corporate executives in overall impactful growth, excellence, and innovation.

Harinand Rai, Director (Technical, Projects & Raw Materials), SAIL conferred with Greentech Leading Director Award 2021
Harinand Rai Director (Technical, Projects & Raw Materials), SAIL

New Delhi: Shri Harinand Rai, Director (Technical, Projects & Raw Materials), Steel Authority of India Limited has been conferred with Greentech Leading Director Award 2021 for his contribution towards improving the performance and overall growth of the company. The award has been instituted by the Greentech Foundation to recognize the role played by top-level corporate executives in overall impactful growth, excellence, and innovation.

SAIL has emerged as a leading steelmaker in National and International contexts with strategizing of production planning, optimizing production operations, management of raw materials, strong policy framework support, and transparency in the process.


While achieving a high standard of production, SAIL is always on the path of continual improvement of environmental footprint and established as a trendsetter in sustainable steel making.


About Harinand Rai

Shri Harinand Rai is a Metallurgical Engineer from IIT, BHU. He has over 32 years of experience working in the organisation in different capacities at both the Plant level at Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai (BSP) and Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur (DSP) as well as at the Corporate Office. Having joined BSP initially he rose to the level of General Manager (Blast Furnace) specialising in Blast Furnace technology, operations, and logistics, before joining DSP as Executive Director (Works).


As an Executive Director (Works), DSP he was overall responsible for Operations at the Plant including Planning, Maintenance, Logistics, etc. Thereafter he assumed the charge of Executive Director (Operations) at the Corporate Office overseeing the operations, logistics, raw material planning, and distribution of all SAIL Plants.

He was also in charge of the Central Coal Supply Organisation, Energy Management Division, and Rail Movement Cell.

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