AI-based chatbot developed by Indian Army to prevent honey trap

An AI- based chatbot has been created by Indian Army to encounter the threat of honey trapping risk, a common tactic in international espionage. This has been especially designed and developed to evaluate soldier's vulnerability towards decisive practices.

AI-based chatbot developed by Indian Army to prevent honey trap

The development is considered to be motivated by real cases which involved Indian military personnel who were deceived by foreign intelligence operatives online.

The Indian Army has introduced SAMBANDH, a bilingual AI chatbot on WhatsApp, connecting veterans and war widows. The developed platform will consist of one-on-one communication, addressing queries and grievances and disseminating information.

The digital nodes are capturing a growing concern over the prevalence of honey-trapping, mostly witnessing instances from Pakistan intelligence operatives targeting Indian military personnel and defence executives.

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The recently developed AI chatbot primarily operates on WhatsApp and engages simultaneously with soldiers in line with their conversations. The primary objective is to point out individuals susceptible to deceptive tactics, thereby allowing commanding officers to sensitise them to the potential risks posed by cyber threats.

The initiation has been applauded for showcasing the military's commitment, awareness, and dynamism towards national security threats and its apprehension to determine the true enemy. Therefore, using innovative solutions and the adoption of AI chatbots underscores ongoing efforts to stay ahead of technological challenges in defence and security.

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