12th Graduation Day Ceremony At Jawahar Science College, Neyveli

Jawahar Science College, Neyveli, patronized by NLC India Ltd., and governed by Jawahar Education Society conducted the 12h Graduation Day today, 18.09,24, for the graduates of the academic year 2021 & 2022 of Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore,

12th Graduation Day Ceremony At Jawahar Science College, Neyveli

Jawahar Science College, Neyveli, patronized by NLC India Ltd., and governed by Jawahar Education Society conducted the 12h Graduation Day today, 18.09,24, for the graduates of the academic year 2021 & 2022 of Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, with grand enthusiasm and pride at the college's Seminar Hall. The event marked a significant nilestone in the academic journey of 449 young graduates who were awarded degrees in various disciplines.

The ceremony was presided over by Shri Prasanna Kumar Motupalli, Chairman cum Managing Director/NLC India Ltd., & Chief Patron/Jawahar Education Society. In his graduation address, he emphasized the role of education in empowering youth and shaping the future. He urged the young graduates to take advice from their parents, and teachers. He added, "While moving on in life, you should not dwell on your failures; instead, find out the cause of those failures and move forward towards success." He also highlighted the strong connection between academic excellence and the development of the nation, encouraging the new graduates to contribute positively to society.

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Dr. Suresh Chandra Suman, Director (Mines) & (Project & Planning) (AC)/NLCIL, Shri Samir Swarup, Director (HR)NLCIL and Shri M Venkatachalam, Director (Power)/NLCIL, offered their felicitations and extended their congratulations to the graduates, offering valuableinsights and words of encouragement.

Earlier, the programn began with a formal declaration of the Graduation Day by Shri O. S. Arivu, Assistant Secretary/Jawahar Science College, followed by a warm welcome address by Shri I. S. Jasper Rose, President/ Jawahar Education Society & Executive Director/Mines and Land/NLCIL, Shri. S. Rajmohan Secretary/Jawahar Science College & Executive Director/NLCIL presented the Annual Report for the academic year 2023-2024. The Principal of the college, Dr. D. Gift Christopher Dhanaraj, administered the graduation pledge, reminding the students of their responsibility towards society and the importance of upholding ethical values in their professional lives.

As part of the academic tradition, the Heads of Departments presented the candidates, after which the degrees were conferred. The ceremony concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Shri DVSN Murthy, Secretary of Jawahar Education Society & ExecutiveDirector /Legal, GH & CSR/NLCL, followed by the National Anthem.

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