New Faces in Psu
Shri Omprakash appointed as as director T and F ONGC
NEW DELHI . Govt of India has cleared the appointment of Shri Alok, IAS ,as Member ADmn., NHAI . Following appointment has been cleared by the govt.
1. Shri Inderpal Singh , DGM, MSTC as Director ( Fin) , HHEC.
2. Shri Adipnath Palachaudhuri, Vice Preident , Balmer Lawrie as Director 9 BLC .
3. Shri Omprakash , GGM , ONGC as Dtirector ( Tech and Field Services) , ONGC.
4. Shri Samir Mukherjee, GM , BHEL a Director (Pers),ECIL.5. Shri Malay Kumar Poddar, GM , AICIL, as CMD , AICIL.
5. Shri Devesh Shrivastava , GM , GIC as CMD , GIC.
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