Ministry of Science and Technology

Department of Science & Technology (DST) was established in May 1971, with the objective of promoting new areas of Science & Technology and to play the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country. The Department has major responsibilities for specific projects and programmes as listed below:
- Formulation of policies relating to Science and Technology.
- Matters relating to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Cabinet (SACC).
- Promotion of new areas of Science and Technology with special emphasis on emerging areas.
- Research and Development through its research institutions or laboratories for development of indigenous technologies concerning bio-fuel production, processing, standardization and applications, in co-ordination with the concerned Ministry or Department;
- Research and Development activities to promote utilization of by-products to development value added chemicals.
- Futurology.
- Coordination and integration of areas of Science & Technology having cross-sectoral linkages in which a number of institutions and departments have interest and capabilities.
- Undertaking or financially sponsoring scientific and technological surveys, research design and development, where necessary.
- Support and Grants-in-aid to Scientific Research Institutions, Scientific Associations and Bodies.
- All matters concerning:
- Science and Engineering Research Council;
- Technology Development Board and related Acts such as the Research and Development Cess Act,1986 (32 of 1986) and the Technology Development Board Act,1995 (44 of 1995);
- National Council for Science and Technology Communication;
- National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board;
- International Science and Technology Cooperation including appointment of scientific attaches abroad (These functions shall be exercised in close cooperation with the Ministry of External Affairs);
- Autonomous Science and Technology Institutions relating to the subject under the Department of Science and Technology including Institute of Astro-physics, and Institute of Geo-magnetism;
- Professional Science Academies promoted and funded by Department of Science and Technology;
- The Survey of India, and National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation;
- National Spatial Data Infrastructure and promotion of G.I.S;
- The National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad.
- Matters commonly affecting Scientific and technological departments/organisations/ institutions e.g. financial, personnel, purchase and import policies and practices.
- Management Information Systems for Science and Technology and coordination thereof.
- Matters regarding Inter-Agency/Inter-Departmental coordination for evolving science and technology missions.
- Matters concerning domestic technology particularly the promotion of ventures involving the commercialization of such technology other than those under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
- All other measures needed for the promotion of science and technology and their application to the development and security of the nation.
- Matters relating to institutional Science and Technology capacity building including setting up of new institutions and institutional infrastructure.
- Promotion of Science and Technology at the State, District, and Village levels for grass- roots development through State Science and Technology Councils and other mechanisms.
- Application of Science and Technology for weaker sections, women and other disadvantaged sections of Society.
Budget 24-2025
For the fiscal year 2024-25, the Ministry has an estimated annual budget of Rs 16,603 crore.