Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to formulate policies, sponsor and support programme, coordinate the activities of various Central Ministries, State Governments and other nodal authorities and monitor the programmes concerning all the issues of housing and urban affairs in the country.

The matters pertaining to urban development have been assigned by the Constitution of India to the State Governments. The Constitution (74th Amendment) Act has further delegated many of these functions to the urban local bodies. The constitutional and legal authority of the Govt. of India is limited only to Delhi and other Union Territories and to the subject which State Legislatures authorise the Union Parliament to legislate.

However, the Govt. of India plays a much more important role and exercises a larger influence to shape the policies and programmes of the country as a whole. The national policy issues are decided by the Govt. of India which also allocates resources to the State Governments through various Centrally Sponsored schemes, provides finances through national financial institutions and supports various external assistance programmes for urban development in the country as a whole. The indirect effect of the fiscal, economic and industrial location decisions of the Govt. of India exercise a far more dominant influence on the pattern of urbanisation and real estate investment in the country.

Budget 24-2025

For the fiscal year 2024-25, the Ministry has an estimated annual budget of Rs 77,523 crore.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs News