CE-MAT 2025

Signing of MoU between AAI and ALIMCO

Signing of MoU between AAI and ALIMCO

New Delhi: Airport Authority of India and Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) have signed a MoU on 4th September 2017 at Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, AAI for Rs. 600.00 lakhs to conduct Cochlear Implant surgeries of 100 Hearing Impaired Children for FY 20-17-18 on PAN India basis to undertake Corporate Social Responsibility.
The above MoU was signed by Shri Sanjeev Jindal, GM (Engg-SR) & CSR, AAI & Shri Ajay Chaudhary, DGM (CSR), ALIMCO in the august presence of Shri Guruprasad Mohapatra (IAS), Chairman, AAI and Shri D.R. Sarin, CMD, ALIMCO.
As per the MoU signed between AAI &ALIMCO, AAI has sponsored Cochlear Implants surgeries for 100 Hearing Impaired children. As per estimate more than 35,000 children in India are born with congenital hearing loss and require Cochlear Implant Surgeries. This major CSR initiative of AAI will help the children to completely overcome their hearing disability, thereby enabling them to hear and speak coherently and making them fully independent to lead a normal and productive life. This effort will not only bring these underprivileged children to the mainstream of life but will also contribute to the national economy. 
A similar MoU was earlier signed by AAI with ALIMCO in the year 2016-17 for Rs. 100 lakhs in which AAI had sponsored Cochlear Implant Surgeries for 15 children, out of which 11 surgeries have already been completed successfully and the remaining surgeries will be completed by the end of September 2017.


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