POSOCO held its 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The meeting was attended by Shri K.V.S Baba, CMD, all the Directors, Company Secretary, and CFO.

New Delhi: Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (POSOCO), a Government of India Enterprise, successfully concluded its 12th Annual General Meeting on 28.09.2021 through Video Conference mode at its Registered Office in New Delhi (Deemed venue).
POSOCO had become an independent Government Company in January 2017. The meeting was attended by Shri K.V.S Baba, CMD, all the Directors, Company Secretary, and CFO. Representatives from the Ministry of Power and Statutory and Secretarial Auditors were also present.
The members approved payment of the Final Dividend of Rs 0.95 crore in addition to the Interim Dividend of Rs 3.80 crore paid earlier to the Ministry of Power.
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