Coal India provides Financial Assistance for restoration works in areas affected by Fani Cyclone

Bhubaneswar/Sambalpur: 13/9/2019 : Odisha has been devastated by tropical cyclone Fani which was an extremely severe-cyclonic storm which hit Odisha on 3rd May 2019. A proposal amounting to Rs. 50.32 Crores was sent by OPTCL, Deptt. of Energy, Govt. of Odisha , the executing agency for restoration of three 220KV and Two 132KV damaged power transmission lines for ensuring full restoration of power supply to PURI, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and other command areas to Coal India Limited.(CIL)
The financial support from CIL , the holding company of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited would be paid to Odisha State Disaster Management Authority and will be presented to the Honourable Chief Minister of Odisha by Sri Sumanta Chaudhuri,, Secretary Ministry of Coal, GoI in the presence of Sri Ashish Upadhyay Jt. Secretary, Ministry of Coal. GoI, Sri A.K.Jha, Chairman Coal India Limited and Sri B.N.Shukla, CMD, MCL to help in restoration of electricity supply.
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