CE-MAT 2025

Call for Applications, POSOCO announced Power System Awards (PPSA)- 2022

PPSA is a part of the CSR initiatives of POSOCO, through which it encourages research and growth in the area of power systems and strengthening of industry-academia collaboration.

Call for Applications, POSOCO announced Power System Awards (PPSA)- 2022

New Delhi: Rewarding excellence in the power system and its related filed since 2013, POSOCO is glad to announce the 10th edition of this POSOCO Power System Awards (PPSA) - 2022.  PPSA is a part of the CSR initiatives of POSOCO, through which it encourages research and growth in the area of power systems and strengthening of industry-academia collaboration. This award is wholly funded by POSOCO while Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) is the implementing partner at the national level. The call for applications is open from September 10 - 30, 2021.


K.V.S. Baba, CMD, POSOCO “Driving POSOCO’s thrust towards encouraging technological advancements in Power systems & related fields, PPSA is effectively serving its objective to motivate the young and enthusiastic researchers in India since its commencement. I truly believe that the 10th edition of PPSA will inspire innovations that will have a significant impact on the future Power Systems.”


Anil Wali, MD, FITT “PPSA seeks to recognize research in power systems and related field in both Doctoral/Masters categories in all the technical institutions offering post-graduation in power systems in India. Fifteen awardees in the PPSA-Doctoral category will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000/- for each shortlisted project along with certificates. Similarly, fifteen awardees under the PPSA-Masters category will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 40,000/- for each shortlisted project along with certificates. Details on eligibility and submission are available in www.ppsa.in.”


POSOCO is a wholly-owned Government of India ‘Schedule A’ enterprise under the Ministry of Power. It is responsible to ensure the integrated operation of the Grid in a reliable, efficient, and secure manner. It consists of five Regional Load Despatch Centres (RLDCs) and the National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC).

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