200 Ayush Health and Wellness Centres approved in Uttrakhand by the AYUSH ministry

200 Ayush Health and Wellness Centres approved in Uttrakhand by the AYUSH ministry

Uttrakhand: Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM), the Ministry of AYUSH has approved 200 AYUSH Health & Wellness Centres (HWC) in Uttarakhand. In this regard, Arvind Lal Vandana Lal (ALVL) Foundation, New Delhi is providing support to the Department of AYUSH, Uttarakhand, in the operationalization of AYUSH HWCs in Almora District of Uttarakhand. Accordingly, a tripartite MoU was signed among the partners on 10th December 2020. Secretary (AYUSH), Joint Secretary (AYUSH), Director (Ayurveda), Uttarakhand, and Dr. Arvind  Lal, Chairman, ALVL Foundation, New Delhi attended the virtual event.
The overall responsibility of the planning, implementing, and providing essential support to the Trust to carry out designated activities will be rested with the State Government of Uttarakhand. The Central Government will provide the necessary technical support. The ALVL Foundation will support Population Enumeration, creation of Health Cards in the catchment population of the HWCs, and help in training & capacity building of the HWC team.
In the operational guideline of AYUSH Health and Wellness Centers, there is a provision for partnership with Government and Non-Governmental organizations for improving the environment for health in providing Comprehensive Primary Health Care. The Central Government has decided to operationalize 12,500 AYUSH Health and Wellness Centres in a phased manner by the year 2023-2024 throughout the country.

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