CE-MAT 2025

PFC CMD dedicates solar roof top system to ASHA school

PFC CMD dedicates solar roof top system to ASHA school

New Delhi: Power Finance Corporation (PFC) under its CSR initiative has installed a standalone solar roof top system at ASHA school, run by Indian Army Wives Welfare Association in Delhi Cantonment.

Shri Ravinder Singh Dhillon Chairman and Managing Director, PFC  along with Lt. General R K Anand inaugurated the stand alone solar roof top system of 5 kWp capacity.  Shri P K Singh (Director Commercial), Shri R Murahari (Executive Director-CSR) and Shri M Prabhakar Das, Chief General Manager (CSR&SD), PFC has also graced the occasion along with other Indian Army officials and school staff.
Under CSR initiative PFC is providing 5kWp  stand alone solar roof top systems with battery back in 37 Asha schools across the country. Asha School is run by Army Wives Welfare Association, the association works for the welfare of the spouses, children and dependents of the Army personnel. ASHA schools are educating and training differently abled children to bring them into main stream of society.

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