CE-MAT 2025

RINL-Vizag Steel provides 200 Wheel chairs to District Administration to facilitate Divyangjan voters

RINL-Vizag Steel provides 200 Wheel chairs to District Administration to facilitate Divyangjan voters

Shri. Kishore Chandra Das, Director (Personnel), RINL handed over a Cheque of Rs. 9.60 Lakhs to Shri. Shri. P. Venkateswara Rao, Asst Director, Welfare of Differently Abled, Transgender & Sr. Citizens, Visakhapatnam, Govt .of AP  for procurement of the wheel chairs to facilitate ‘Divyangjan’ voters to exercise their franchise in General Election 2019.  
RINL, positively responded to the request of District Administration to provide 200 wheel chairs for facilitating Persons with Disability to franchise their vote in the ensuing General elections-2019. This is a gesture of goodwill by RINL to the Divyangjans all over Visakhapatnam District who face difficulty in exercising their valuable right of casting their votes in General Election.  District Administration will distribute the Wheel Chairs to various Govt. Hospitals, Railway Stations, Bus Stations and other public places for use by Divyangjans after the elections. 
RINL-Vizag Steel supporting ‘Divyangjan’ to have a more productive life viz. providing education, therapy and vocational training to special children through its flagship CSR programme ‘Arunodaya Special school’, providing wheel chairs, artificial legs and other assistive devices, providing skill development training etc.
Shri PK Mohapatra, ED (Law, GA&TA), Shri G Gandhi, DGM (CSR), CSR Department officials and officials from District Administration attended the function.

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