CE-MAT 2025: Coal Mission 3.0

Coal, Energy, Mining & Tech Conference 2025

Unveiling Opportunities in the Coal and Energy Sector

25th July 2025, New Delhi

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Creative speakers and Researchers
Around The World.
Foster collaboration, explore innovative technologies, and chart a sustainable future for CE-MAT a combination of Coal, Energy, Mining, and Technology.
Featured speakers.

Industry experts and leaders.

Government officials.

Financial and investment experts.

Academics and researchers.


CE-MAT 2025: Coal Mission 3.0 is a prestigious coal, energy, mining, and technology conference organized by PSU CONNECT MEDIA. We at this conference bring "Creative speakers and Researchers Around The World". This annual event brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and subject matter experts to discuss the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in the coal and energy sectors.

The conference will feature a diverse range of topics, including the future of coal in India, technological advancements, energy efficiency and clean coal technologies, environmental impact and sustainability, economic aspects and market dynamics, policy and regulation, and safety and sustainable mining practices. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the coal industry, as well as discuss potential solutions to ensure its long-term viability. Through thought-provoking presentations, panel discussions, and networking sessions, we hope to inspire new ideas and drive progress towards a more sustainable and resilient coal sector in India.

Key Themes
  • The Future of Coal in India: Exploring the role of coal in India's energy mix, considering factors like energy security, clean coal technologies, and environmental regulations.
  • Market Insights: Dedicated sessions on coal supply and demand fundamentals for key regions like Indonesia, Australia, China, India, and Vietnam.
  • Technological Advancements: Highlighting advancements in mining, processing, and utilization of coal to improve efficiency, safety, and environmental impact.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Discussing strategies for minimizing the environmental footprint of coal operations and promoting responsible mining practices.
  • Global Coal Market Trends: Analyzing the global coal market dynamics, including supply chains, pricing trends, and the impact of geopolitical events.
  • Investing in the Coal Sector: Exploring investment opportunities in clean coal technologies, mine development, and infrastructure projects.
Key Highlights
  • Ministerial Keynotes: Featuring insights from Indonesian government officials on the country's coal mining future and role in the energy transition era.
  • Market Insights: Dedicated sessions on coal supply and demand fundamentals for key regions like Indonesia, Australia, China, India, and Vietnam.
  • Sector Outlooks: Discussions on the future of power, steel, and cement sectors as they relate to coal.
  • Networking Opportunities: Welcome reception, running event, and dedicated meeting spaces to facilitate interaction among attendees.
  • Panel Discussion: Women in Mining and Energy (date specified as September 10th).
Reasons to come
to the events.

25+ Speakers

A diverse lineup of over 25 speakers will share their expertise and insights on different aspects of India's coal future.

Report Presentations

Attendees will benefit from detailed report presentations and expert analyses that highlight current trends and future opportunities in the industry.

Important Topics

Topics related to the future trends, role of coal in global energy transition, sustainable practices, technological advancements, Automation and Robotics, etc.

Global Audience

The conference expects to attract a global audience, facilitating international discussions and networking opportunities.

Case Studies

Experts will showcase their study on the relevant topics and sectors .

Engaging Discussions

Delegates engage in collaborative discussions, offering perspectives from diverse sectors .

Experience Zone

To gather knowledge on latest innovations in coal, energy, mining, and technology.

Great Networking

To get connected with the people who are experts in the relevant sectors.


Please keep visiting to know the conference agenda.

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