Welcome to Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited (FSNL)

FSNL is a Government of India Mini Ratna II, IMS Certified Company under Ministry of Steel. FSNL is a wholly owned subsidiary of MSTC Ltd. with authorized share capital of Rs.50 Crores and paid up share capital of Rs.32 Crores .


FSNL has over the years evolved as a pioneer organization in the field of steel mill services. The company at present is working in eight steel plants in the country, BHEL Haridwar,Rail Wheel Factory Bangaluru and offers services at a very competitive price with technology comparable to other world leaders.


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Miniratna category - II PSUs


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Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited (FSNL) Address and Contact Details

Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited
FSNL Bhawan, Equipment Chowk,
Central Avenue,
Post Box No. - 37, Bhilai, Distt. Durg, Pin Code: 490001,
Chhattisgarh, India

  0788-2222474, 2222475, 2854036, 2854037
  0788-2220423, 2223884