19 NBFCs surrender their Registration Certificate to RBI

New Delhi: 19 Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
The RBI, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their CoR.
Himatsingka Motor Works Limited, Shanghvi Finance Private Limited, Mehul Finvest Private Limited, Appu Impex Limited, Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance Limited, APL Fincap Limited, A J Capital Limited, Antriksh Investments Private Limited, New Era Leasing and Finance Limited, Linton Vanijya Pvt Ltd, Kalyani Commercials Limited, VIP Finvest Consultancy Private Limited, Abhinandan Trafin Private Limited are those NBFCs who cancelled their CoR due to exit from Non-Banking Financial Institution (NBFI) business.
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Echolac Vinimay Pvt Ltd, Kamdhenu Fincap Limited, Umra Properties Finance Pvt Ltd cancelled their CoR due to meeting the criteria prescribed for unregistered Core Investment Company (CIC) that do not require registration.
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