CE-MAT 2025

RINL CMD Stressed the Need to Reduce Cost of Production

RINL CMD Stressed the Need to Reduce Cost of Production

NEW DELHI: Sri. P. Madhusudan, CMD, RINL underscored  the urgent need to reduce cost of production to compete with the integrated steel makers during 2017-18. This requires demonstration of team work and transformation of work culture and  any management process has to be linked with cost effectiveness, he added.
Sri Madhusudan made this observation while presenting the certificates of “Significant Achievement” and “Strong Commitment” under “Chairman’s Trophy for Excellence” Awards in Ukkunagaram today.
Speaking on the occasion, Sri Madhusudan lauded the winning departments for bringing improvements in the internal efficiencies to enhance the productivity. He called for fresh commitment from VSP collective in the process improvement to enhance the image of the company. He said that incremental improvement in a comprehensive  manner will help improve the bottom-line. RINL employees have the competencies, potentialities and skill levels to realize the goals, he said, and exhorted them to translate the abilities into results/actions during the current year to retrieve the lost ground. 
Sri PC Mohapatra, Director (Projects), Sri DN Rao, Director (Operations), Sri K C Das, Director (Personnel), Executive Directors, GMs, senior officers, representatives of unions etc present on the occasion.
Chairman’s Trophy for Excellence is a platform for the departments to showcase their efforts towards excellent results and it also brings out opportunities  for improvements in the company under project “Utkarsh” to internalize the concepts of Business excellence.
Earlier, Corporate Strategic Management gave a presentation highlighting the achievements and process improvements of the respective departments under the Chairman’s Trophy for Excellence.

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